One day at work, I noticed a mental and physical confusion affecting me to the point that I couldn’t use a measuring tape correctly. I went to the hospital and a MRI was taken of my head. The next day, I was told that the MRI had revealed a tumor the size of a golf ball in my brain. I was diagnosed as having multiform Gleoblastoma, which is a terminal disease. I was informed that at the end of the first year, 50% die and at the end of the second year, 50% of the remainder die. Six months later, the rest will die. At best, two in one hundred will survive with a devastating decrease in the quality of life.
I had surgery at the University of Penn to remove the tumor, followed up with six weeks of simultaneous chemotherapy and radiation, none of which produced any healing. In December, I started to read books and listen to tapes on faith and my trust in God’s healing power increased. In late March, I endured another surgery where balloons were implanted into my head. The balloons were to be filled with radiation at a later date. Right after the surgery, I visited The Healing Rooms of Wilmington, DE and received prayer for the healing of my body.
Not long after the balloon implantation surgery, another MRI was taken. My surgeon called to inform me that the MRI results showed no sign of cancer anywhere. I was completely cancer free. He wanted to schedule a date for the removal of the balloons. A wave of relief and gratitude overwhelmed me and I started to worship my wonderful, miracle working Father God. Since then, every six weeks I have had a MRI and I am still cancer free.
Praise the Lord! Dennis O.
Anne received ministry for a brain lesion and emotional needs related to the diagnosis. She praises God that not only have all of the symptoms been resolved, but repeated MRI studies have shown that the lesion is diminishing in size.
My son was diagnosed with microcephaly (small brain), then ADHD, later with dyslexia and lately with poor tooth enamel. He was prayed over for each condition and was healed. 1) his brain grew to normal size, 2) he was healed of ADHD without medication, 3) he improved two reading grade levels within two weeks and is now an A+ student completing the 6th grade, 4) he has normal teeth. Thank you for your faithfulness in the Kingdom!